›› 2008, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (7): 363-365.

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Application of high frequency color Doppler to arteriovenous fistula operation for hemodialysis in uremic patients

LI Chen, ZHANG Hong, YANG Demin, WANG Yong, YANG Yuhui, SU Rong   

  1. 1Department of Ultrasound, Kelamayi Central Hospital, Kelamayi, Xinjiang, 834000
  • Received:2008-03-05 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-07-12 Published:2008-07-12

Abstract: Abstract Objective To study high frequency color Doppler in the selection and localization of the vessels suitable for internal arteriovenous fistula operation. Methods We recruited 68 uremic patients who needed the operation of internal arteriovenous fistula, and assigned them randomly into two groups. The target vessels for internal arteriovenous fistula operation were selected and localized by high frequency color Doppler in group A patients and by the routine method in group B patients. After one month of the operation, function and maturation of the internal fistula were evaluated by high frequency color Doppler examination. Results In group A, the cephalic vein and radial artery in the forearm at non-preference side could be matched for fistula operation in 30 of the 36 cases (83.3%). In comparison with group B, patients in group A had smaller incision, less operation time, higher maturation rate for use after operation for one month and less thrombosis in the earlier period (p<0.05). Conclusion High frequency color Doppler examination is a useful method for the selection of vessels for internal arteriovenous fistula operation for hemodialysis in uremic patients.

Key words: Internal arteriovenous fistula

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